Monday, June 17, 2024

Rossi’s agent reveals Juventus contact

The agent of Villarreal striker Giuseppe Rossi has revealed that Juventus have shown interest in his client.

The Italian forward is available for sale after his transfer to Barcelona fell through and his agent admits the diminutive striker is tempted by the prospect of joining the Old Lady.

“Rossi is an Italian striker with features reminiscent of Del Piero and it is normal to be excited to play with Alex and pick up the legacy of the champion like him,” Federico Pastorello told Tuttosport.

“There have been no official talks with Juventus, but we could have deeper contacts next week or later.”

Pastorello added that the player was not worried by the fact that Juventus wouldn’t take part in European competitions next season.

“It is clear that the absence of Juve from international tournaments does not help, but the power of seduction still remains intact and it is still a great club.”

Rossi has a €60 million release clause inserted in his contract, although Villarreal would settle for €30 million.

With the hefty transfer kitty at their disposal, Juventus are more than capable of matching the asking price, although the Bianconeri are also tracking Atletico’s Kun Aguero.


Nemanja Lazarevic

Working as editor-in-chief at, Nemanja Lazarevic is responsible for organising and managing the team of writers to ensure the content produced on the site meets high industry standards and remains interesting to our readers. As our go-to guy for the football transfer news, he uses an extensive experience in the industry to dig up latest transfer stories from local sources.



  • Asif

    0 0

    To me Rossi should opt for Barca rather than Juve coz his playing ability and styles are simply perfect in order to pass and strike by sides of Messi and Villa. and considering his position in international Italian squad i think he will gain more skills and abilities in order of success to his career, Club & Country and name and fame.

  • Asif

    0 0

    To me Rossi should opt for Barca rather than Juve coz his playing ability and styles are simply perfect in order to pass and strike by sides of Messi and Villa. and considering his position in international Italian squad i think he will gain more skills and abilities in order of success to his career, Club & Country and name and fame.

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